Alexander the Great

‘Alexander the Great remarked that the peoples of Asia were slaves because they had not learned to pronounce the word “No.” Let that not be the epitaph of the English speaking peoples or of parliamentary democracy, or of France, or of the many surviving liberal states of Europe… The preponderant world forces are upon our side; they have but to be combined to be obeyed. We must arm, Britain must arm, America must arm, we shall no doubt arm… People say, many people, we ought not to allow ourselves to be drawn into a theoretical antagonism between Nazidom and democracy. But the antagonism is here, now. If only we realise what is afoot and make up our minds in good time. Is this a call to war? Does anyone pretend that preparations for resistance against aggression amounts to the unleashing of war? I declare it to be the sole guarantee of peace, the finest and surest prospect of peace.’